Event report  •  Events Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement

Throwback - Climate Drinks with Auckland's "Team For The Planet" community (August 2024)

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this latest edition of Climate Drinks.

Another great catch up with Auckland's Team for the Planet community! 

Save the date for the next edition - Thursday, 26 September in Wellington (BIN44 Bar & Restaurant) and Tuesday, 26 November back in Auckland (Wynyard Pavilion)!

Climate Drinks are organised by the community of Team for the Planet in Aotearoa New Zealand, with the support of the FNZCCI Climate and Sustainability Committee, and are open to everyone interested in climate action and sustainability.

Curious about Team for the Planet? It’s a not-for-profit organisation raising $1 Billion to finance 100 companies who reduce Green House Gas emissions on a global scale. 

🔗 Learn more: https://team-planet.com

Useful links

Throwback - FNZCCI 2024 Climate & Sustainability Forum Climate & Sustainability Forum Throwback - Climate Drinks with Auckland's "Team for the Planet" Community (May 2024) Throwback - Climate Drinks in Wellington (March 2024) Throwback - First Climate Drinks of 2024 for New Zealand’s "Team for the Planet" Community (Feb 2024) Throwback - Climate Drinks AUCKLAND Throwback - Climate Drinks Launch in Christchurch (June 2023) Throwback - New Zealand Planet Climate Drinks at the Auckland Climate Festival Throwback - Climate Fresk Workshop with the FNZCCI Climate Fresk Workshop with the FNZCCI board members
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