Event report  •  Events Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement

Throwback - First Climate Drinks of 2024 for New Zealand’s "Team for the Planet" Community (Feb 2024)

There was a great turnout for the first Climate Drinks of the year at Wynyard Pavilion!

It was a wonderful opportunity to connect with new contacts as well as catch up with the existing Team for the Planet New Zealand community - all passionate about climate action and sustainability

Attendees were welcomed by community leader Frederik Cornu, who gave an update on Team for the Planet’s global activities

Michelle Blau, General Manager of Fair Food New Zealand, also joined for the event and gave an insightful presentation on the the work of the charity. Fair Food collects surplus fresh food and prepares it to be shared with community groups across Auckland. If you would like to find out more and support this great initiative, please visit www.fairfood.org.nz/get-involved/

A huge merci, thank you, to everyone who came along. Save the date for the next edition - Tuesday, 7 May from 5:30PM at Wynyard Pavilion!

Useful links

Throwback - New Zealand Planet Climate Drinks at the Auckland Climate Festival Throwback - FNZCCI Sustainability Webinar | Time for the Planet


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