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Welcome to our New Member: What's in Words

What's in Words offers Counselling & Psychology services in French and English dedicated to listening, being receptive to your emotions, feelings and perceptions, to let the words speak for you. We respect total confidentiality and the normal common code of ethics for Counselling & Psychology. Together, let’s free your words and create other perspectives.

Individual sessions happen usually once a week, last for 50 minutes with the purpose to give insightful and consistent support to adult women and men. The quality of the relationship established along the therapy is fundamental to effective work.

Frederique Stref is a native French speaker and has 25 years of working overseas and being surrounded by many different cultures and languages, nourished by the different situations that life offers her with a great open-mindedness and a fine perception of what surrounds her forged through encounters, and is passionate for social ties in various cultural contexts.

"Graduated with honours in Singapore, I received from International Career Institute NZ the equivalence required to work in New Zealand and have extended my credits for post traumatic disorder counselling"

Frederique offers her clients an active listening and a non-judgemental space to express, step back, let go, release, discover different outlooks and emotional awareness.

Frederique has lived in Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Hong Kong, Singapore and now in NZ.

Visit their website to find out more!

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