Event report  •  Events

Throwback - FNZCCI Gala 2023 "Island Night"

The FNZCCI Board and President Thibault Beaujot would like to thank you warmly for coming to our 2023 Gala dinner.


"It was a real pleasure as the president of the French New Zealand Chamber of Commerce, to welcome you to our second gala dinner, and celebrate the 37th anniversary of our non-for-profit-organisation. It was an honour to the hundreds of volunteers and members, who, over the years, have dedicated their time, energy, and talent for the French New Zealand Chamber of Commerce to fulfil its purpose and make a difference in our community.


What a beautiful and dynamic French Pacific crew we had in this wonderful venue in Ellerslie Auckland... This Gala dinner was the opportunity to celebrate the dynamic partnership and strong business relations between France, the French Pacific and New Zealand but also the occasion to strengthen the business relationship for the benefit of all countries.


Thank you again to our community of 180 business members; to our current and past board members and to all our sponsors for supporting this initiative.

A big Merci to you all for coming and celebrating with us, it really meant a lot to us.


Vive l’amitie Franco-neo-zelandaise, and Vive la France in New Zealand and in the Pacific"

-Thibault Beaujot




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