Event report • Events • The Chamber
Throwback - FNZCCI Annual General Meeting 2023
Bonjour, kia ora, hello!
We want to share with all of you the success of our recent Annual General Meeting, complimented ever so nicely by a great wine of Maison Vauron, a special catering from Origine Restaurant and the enthusiastic participation of all the members and friends. It was so rewarding to be able to look back at our achievements over the past year, as well as recognise our members' wonderful commitment to the FNZCCI, thanks to which we actually increased our membership numbers. Merci beaucoup!
We're thrilled to introduce our new Board for 2023-2024. Elected during the Annual General Meeting, félicitations to Agnes BAEKELANDT and Madeleine COLOMBIE, elected as Co-President; Frederik CORNU and Helene TOURY as Vice-President; Kaison CHANG as Treasurer; and Audrey SNOWDEN, Clint TAWHARU, David MAUCOR, Matthieu BETRON, Thibault BEAUJOT and Troy GILCHRIST, elected as Board Members.
Join us in giving a warm welcome to our new FNZCCI Board and new members.
President’s report, election results and AGM presentation, here.
À bientôt,