Event report  •  Events

Throwback - Club V.I.E. Afterwork (Oct '24)

The FNZCCI was pleased to organise the third Club V.I.E. Afterwork of the year, sponsored by our dedicated member, SIFA Logistics!

A big thank you to the team at Atelier for their fantastic hospitality. It was great to see both current and former V.I.E.s come together and build connections !

The Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E.) is a French programme that allows young professionals to gain international work experience abroad. Sponsored by the French government, the program helps French businesses grow internationally while providing participants with valuable skills and cultural experiences. 

For more information about the V.I.E. programme, please feel free to contact us

Useful links

Throwback - Club V.I.E. Relaunch and Afterwork (Mar '24) Throwback - Club V.I.E. Afterwork (Jun '24)


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