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Throwback - Bastille Week: Champagne Tasting in Wellington

We enjoyed some champagne for Bastille Week

Thursday 15th of July, you joined us at Glengarry Wines to celebrate Bastille Day with a tasting of some of Champagnes most renown producers.

In this tasting weexplored what makes French Champagne so famous.

You had the opportunity not only appreciate some great wines, but also why Champagne is still world leading.

Tasted Champagnes:

  • Champagne Moutard NV
  • Piper Heidseick NV
  • J Lassalle Preference NV
  • Lilbert and Fils Brut NV
  • Laurent Perrier NV Brut
  • Pol Roger Reserve NV

Cheese platters were served along the tasting.


This Champagne tasting was a great format to invite clients or business partners, or simply enjoy great Champagne with our Kiwi-French community in Wellington!


Bastille Week is proudly sponsored by Choose New Caledonia with New Caledonia Government, Paneton, Peugeot 


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