Event report  •  Events  •  The Chamber

Throwback - Bastille Day Brekkie for your Business!

The FNZCCI kicked off Bastille Day bright and early, delivering authentic French breakfast treats from Paneton to a number of our members.

FNZCCI President and Paneton GM Thibault Beaujot and Paneton’s Dominique Colombié got our members celebrating Bastille Day right from the get-go, delivering French breakfast goodies to TDX Ltd., Veolia, L'Oréal and Edge Environment.

What better way to start the day?!

This initiative was designed to encourage FNZCCI members and friends alike to treat employees, colleagues, clients, or simply themselves, to an authentic French breakfast for Bastille Day.

Merci, thank you, to our talented hospitality member Paneton, who whipped up the perfect celebration hamper for the occasion.

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