Event report  •  HR Focus  •  Partners

Employment Program for French in New Zealand - 2021 edition

We provided 15 candidates personalised career guidance to take stock of their career plans in New Zealand from October to December 2021.

Over 7 weeks of regular working sessions, our 15 candidates have been provided training with HR professionals, connection with companies and given the tools to maximise their chances to find a job by the end of the program.

Using our network of 180+ members, we were able to connect each candidate with companies of their interest to discuss about their activities but also roles available. The HR Forum was a clear highlight of this networking availability, with our candidates being able to meet with CXC Global, Downer and Veolia and get to know their job opportunities.

By running the program with only 15 candidates, this allow us to customise it to each profile, but most of all be able to follow-up with each candidate at different stages of these 7 weeks.

We have received a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 80 from this edition candidates, an excellent reward for us meaning that the program is extremely recommended by the participants.

This first edition was exceptionally funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French New Zealand Chamber of Commerce.

What was the program like?

The EPFNZ partners

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