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Climate Drinks with Team For The Planet (Auckland)

Wynyard Pavilion, 17 Jellicoe Street, Auckland CBD, 1010, Auckland, New Zealand
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Price: FREE


Event ended.

Welcome to the first Climate Drinks of 2025!


Kick off the year by connecting with Auckland’s climate-conscious community at our upcoming Climate Drinks, hosted by Team for the Planet's New Zealand-based community. 

Whether you’re passionate about sustainability, curious about climate action, or just looking to network with like-minded individuals, this free event is for you. Supported by the FNZCCI Climate and Sustainability Committee, this event is open to everyone eager to make a difference.


Welcome, introduction & updateFrederik CORNUNew Zealand Planet Leader of Team for the Planet, will welcome attendees, give a short presentation on Team for the Planet, and an update about its global activities.

Ms. Sarah LundDirector of international collaborations and strategic sustainability initiatives at Klimatorium will present:

“Engaging Youth - and other generations: a call to climate action”:
Deep down we are all homo sapiens – we are all citizens in our local communities, no matter age, gender, occupation and wealth. Imagine a world where everyone feels heard, valued and empowered. A world where intergenerational and cross-sectoral collaboration fuels innovation and creates sustainable solutions for the challenges we face. This is the vision that drives the Klimatorium collaborative to explore how to effectively engage youth and other generations, bridging gap between theory and practice and breaking down silos in joins collaboration.

This is a free event. Please register online.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Curious about Team for the Planet? Team for the Planet is a not-for-profit organisation raising $1 Billion to finance 100 companies who reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions on a global scale. Through the power of collective actions, Team for the Planet is rolling out 100 Open Source innovations capable of massively decarbonizing the economy. So far, NZ$55 million have been raised globally, 12 companies have been financed (on the 1,415 innovations assessed), and 120,000 shareholders have joined, here in Aotearoa New Zealand and in 100 other countries.

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